kucuk ten buyuge ceviren emu8086 nın ıcınde var zaten bu kod
; this is a program in 8086 assembly language that
; accepts a character string from the keyboard and
; stores it in the string array. the program then converts
; all the lower case characters of the string to upper case.
; if the string is empty (null), it doesn't do anything.
name "upper"
org 100h
jmp start
; first byte is buffer size,
; second byte will hold number
; of used bytes for string,
; all other bytes are for characters:
string db 20, 22 dup('?')
new_line db 0Dh,0Ah, '$' ; new line code.
; int 21h / ah=0ah - input of a string to ds:dx,
; fist byte is buffer size, second byte is number
; of chars actually read. does not add '$' in the
; end of string. to print using int 21h / ah=09h
; you must set dollar sign at the end of it and
; start printing from address ds:dx + 2.
lea dx, string
mov ah, 0ah
int 21h
mov bx, dx
mov ah, 0
mov al, ds:[bx+1]
add bx, ax ; point to end of string.
mov byte ptr [bx+2], '$' ; put dollar to the end.
; int 21h / ah=09h - output of a string at ds:dx.
; string must be terminated by '$' sign.
lea dx, new_line
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
lea bx, string
mov ch, 0
mov cl, [bx+1] ; get string size.
jcxz null ; is string is empty?
add bx, 2 ; skip control chars.
; check if it's a lower case letter:
cmp byte ptr [bx], 'a'
jb ok
cmp byte ptr [bx], 'z'
ja ok
; convert to uppercase:
; upper case letter do not have
; third bit set, for example:
; 'a' : 01100001b
; 'a' : 01000001b
; upper case mask : 11011111b
; clear third bit:
and byte ptr [bx], 11011111b
inc bx ; next char.
loop upper_case
; int 21h / ah=09h - output of a string at ds:dx.
; string must be terminated by '$' sign.
lea dx, string+2
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
; wait for any key press....
mov ah, 0
int 16h
ret ; return to operating system.
buyukten kucuge ceviren :
.model small
.stack 200
msg db 'enter a string in small letter: ','$'
msg1 db 'this is what you entered in capital: ','$'
string db 20, 22 dup('?')
crlf db 0Dh,0Ah, '$' ; new line code.
lea dx, msg
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
lea dx, string
mov ah, 0ah
int 21h
mov bx, dx
mov ah, 0
mov al, ds:[bx+1]
add bx, ax ; point to end of string.
mov byte ptr [bx+2], '$'
lea dx, crlf ;new line
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
lea bx, string
mov ch, 0
mov cl, [bx+1]
add bx, 2
OR byte ptr [bx], 32
inc bx ; increment
loop upper_case
lea dx, msg1
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
lea dx, string+2
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
kitaplar kapalı,kitaptaki orneklere iyi calisin dedi hoca ,emu8086 icinde ki orneklerede file>examples>more examples diyerek ulasiliyor.