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IUCODERS FORUM > Genel > İş/Güç > P.I. Works' de QA Automation Engineer ve SW Test Engineer


Kayıt: 07.01.2006
27.04.2016-09:36 #79288

Kısaca şirketi tanıtayım;

Benim de bünyesinde çalıştığım P.I. Works www.piworks.net şirketi olarak dünyadaki büyük mobil operatörlerin şebekelerini (üretici ve teknolojiden bağımsız olarak (2G, 3G, LTE, LTE-A, WiFi)) otomatik yönetmelerini sağlayan (SON -Self Organizing Networks), performans problemlerini otonom şekilde çözecek aksiyonlar almalarını sağlayan, kullanıcı dostu arayüzler ile anahtar performans göstergelerini grafiklerle raporlayan, haritalar üzerinde radio şebekesinin durumunu ve elementlerin aralarındaki ilişkileri vs gösteren akıllı sistemler geliştiriyoruz. 3 ana ürün grubumuz var. Aynı zamanda optimizasyon konusunda da danışmanlık veren bir servisimiz de mevcut. İstanbul merkezli (Kurtköy Teknopark İstanbul bünyesinde) bir Türk şirketi ancak 2 si Amerikada, 1 i Romanya, ve diğeri de Singapur'da olmak üzere toplam 5 ofisimiz mevcut. Yaklaşık çalışan sayısı 250 kadar. Senelik büyüme oranı %120 civarında. Dünyadaki LTE (4G) şebekesi üzerinde çalışan ilk Merkezi Kendi Kendini Yöneten Şebeke Çözümünü (Centralized Self Organizing Network) geliştirerek devreye almış olan şirketiz, Endonezya operatörü Bolt ile. Müşterilerimiz Amerika'da AT&T den tutun Sprint, Verizon, Avrupa'da İspanyol Telefonica, İngiliz 3UK, Japon Softbank, Türkiye'deki her üç operatör gibi dünya devi operatörler. Şu ana kadar 27 ülkede 38 ayrı operatörle çalışarak 1.5 milyondan fazla mobil sahayı optimize ettik. Aşağıdaki iki pozisyon için yeni şeyler öğrenip, kendini geliştirmeye meraklı ve toplantı ve yazışmalarda kendini ifade edebilecek şekilde İngilizce konuşan/yazan adaylar arıyoruz. Bu arkadaşlar benim takımımda benimle birlikte çalışacaklar. Ama ekibin diğer bir kısmı da Romanya'da. Eminim ki kendilerini de epey geliştirirler. İlgilenenler bana tarik.kranda at piworks nokta net mail adresimden ulaşabilirler.


P.I.Works is a multi-national company which provides performance monitoring and optimization solutions for wireless operators. We are looking for QA Automation Engineer for the challenging multi-national and multi-cultural work environment. The brief job description of the position and preferred qualifications for the suitable candidates are defined below.

Job responsibilities:

* Develop and execute software test plans in order to identify software problems and their causes

* Participate in product design reviews to provide input on functional requirements, product designs, schedules, or potential problems

* Make analysis for test requirements, plan and develop scripts for automation

* Report test results generated with automation tests

* Identify program deviance from standards, and suggest modifications to ensure compliance, mitigate risks that will delay the test program proactively, report delays proactively to Product Manager and PMO

* Own responsibility for the quality of selected product features

* Design, implement, document, and maintain test environments and test automation systems and test processes, which drive quality and speed of release. Improve and extend test frameworks and automated test sets

* Manage follow up including fix verification, updating bug tracking JIRA System and verify fixes

* Perform initial debugging procedures by reviewing configuration files, logs, or code pieces to determine breakdown source

* Collaborate with R&D, PM or customer support departments to evaluate or diagnose problems and recommend possible solutions

* Provide feedback and recommendations to developers on software usability and functionality

* Install and configure recreations of software production environments to allow testing of software performance

* Assisting in the development of quality standards regarding testing process and its monitoring

Required qualifications:

* Minimum 1 year experience in related position and software testing methodologies is a must

* Experience with automation tools is preferably in systems using Oracle database is a must

* PL/SQL and basic Oracle administration is preferred

* Javascript, CSS and HTML knowledge is required

* Minimum 1 language is desired : C++, C#, JAVA, .NET

* Ability and experience to create test documents on the basis of engineering specifications

* University degree preferably in Computer Sciences, Information Systems or Telecommunications related (subject matter experts will also be considered)

* Willingness to work in an agile company environment focused on results

* Experience of participating in software development life cycle for client server based architectures

* Experience on measuring Software development and Quality

* Excellent written and oral communication skills (English is a must, other languages are a plus)

* Experience working in a global company is a plus



P.I.Works is a multi-national company which provides performance monitoring and optimization solutions for wireless operators. We are looking for Software Test Engineer for the challenging multi-national and multi-cultural work environment. The brief job description of the position and preferred qualifications for the suitable candidates are defined below.

Job responsibilities:

* Develop and execute software test plans in order to identify software problems and their causes.

* Participate in product design reviews to provide input on functional requirements, product designs, schedules, or potential problems.

* Develop testing programs that includes test plans, test schedules, scenarios, scripts or procedures that address areas such as database impacts, software scenarios, regression testing, error or bug retests, or usability in accordance with the delivery dates.

* Identify program deviance from standards, and suggest modifications to ensure compliance, mitigate risks that will delay the test program proactively, report delays proactively to Product Manager and PMO.

* Own responsibility for the quality of selected product features.

* Design, implement, document, and maintain test environments and test automation systems and test processes, which drive quality and speed of release. Improve and extend test frameworks and automated test sets.

* Manage follow up including fix verification, updating bug tracking JIRA System and verify fixes.

* Document software defects, using a bug tracking JIRA system, and report defects to software developers.

* Report test results, prepare release notes, write clear, concise, descriptive defect and test reports.

* Assist with Customer Support activities relating to the root cause analysis of defects.

* Perform initial debugging procedures by reviewing configuration files, logs, or code pieces to determine breakdown source.

* Collaborate with R&D, PM or customer support departments to evaluate or diagnose problems and recommend possible solutions.

* Provide feedback and recommendations to developers on software usability and functionality.

* Validate, test and update manuals and user guides.

* Review software documentation to ensure technical accuracy, compliance, or completeness, or to mitigate risks.

* Install and configure recreations of software production environments to allow testing of software performance.

* Install, maintain, or use software testing programs.

Required qualifications:

* University degree preferably in computer, electronics or telecommunications

* Minimum 2 years on web applications testing or stand-alone applications

* Relational databases and medium quering knowledge (Oracle PL/SQL)

* Knowledge of c# programming language and work with selenium is a plus or at least basic

knowledge regarding programming

* Hands on experience in 2G/3G RF Optimization and RF Planning is a plus

* Experience on drive test and well known drive test post processing tools is a plus

* Good understanding of Mobile Telecommunications Technologies like GSM, UMTS, HSPA and LTE

* Knowledge on data communications, layered architecture and IP protocol is a plus

* Enthusiastic team player, a positive thinker

* Self-motivated and customer centric

* Must be willing to learn (company working on new technologies)

* Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English

* Must be able to travel internationally


Kayıt: 12.11.2006
12.05.2016-12:05 #79289
Tarık Kranda ile çalışmak.. Kulağa heyecanlı geliyor :)
Sormak istediğim bir nokta var.

Minimum 1 language is desired : C++, C#, JAVA, .NET

Burada .NET'in olması, "herhangi bir .NET dili uygundur" anlamında mı?




Kayıt: 07.01.2006
31.05.2016-00:42 #79291
wardom yazdi
Tarık Kranda ile çalışmak.. Kulağa heyecanlı geliyor :)
Sormak istediğim bir nokta var.

Minimum 1 language is desired : C++, C#, JAVA, .NET

Burada .NET'in olması, "herhangi bir .NET dili uygundur" anlamında mı?

Aslına bakarsan okulda da her zaman konuştuğumuz gibi yazılım dilleri bir araçtır. 10 sene evvel acaba C# mı daha iyi java mı daha iyi diye vs konuşuluyordu. Ama bugün bakıyorsun javascript(node.js + electron), phyton, scala, R, ruby on rails farklı farklı diller ve frameworkler aldı başını gitti. O nedenle ben bir dile hakim olanın ve yazılım geliştirmeye dair temel ilkeleri benzisemiş birinin diğer bir dile kolaylıkla adapte olabileceği düşüncesindeyim. O nedenle birkaç dil var ilanda. Birine hakim olmak yeterli.

.NET e gelirsek şirkette otomasyon için C# kullanıyoruz ama ürün taraflarında her dile açığız Java da var, C++ komponentleri de var. C# tabiki otomasyon tarafı için şimdilik birinci tercih.

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